x360 Music Organizer v0.13 beta

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010 by tyno
>> MahoppianGoon released a new version of x360 Music Organizer - a custom 'mindex.xmi' file creator.

What's new/fixed:
* added: minimizes to the system tray icon!
* added: 'About' tab (tells you information about the program!)
* added: 'FMIM Music Converter' tab (convert FMIM back to WMA files!)
* added: 'FTP Uploader' tab (upload/delete any file on the Xbox 360!) (saves the IP address, username and password in the registry!)
* added: automatically backups the original mindex folder on Xbox 360!|
* added: automatically uploads the created files to the Xbox 360!
* fixed: songs will appear when you select the genre!
* fixed: songs will appear when you select the artist!
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